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Saule Piktys     Bio   Statement        Gallery Contacts    Favorites & Guest Book     Messenger
Artist Statement


I study the outside world as it shifts forms and changes shapes. I am conscious that there are things I see that I want to remember and the camera hasn't captured it for me in that way. I look for a flash of memory in my brain, a moment of insight, keeping in mind the idea behind the feeling I felt. I start with the structure of the painting. I find it appealing to let the bones show through in a way that gives the viewer a clue to the process that's taking place. I pull color from the depths of my passion, building up a web of associations and meanings. When painting, I never finish what I set out to do; something else happens and I like that adventure.

As time has passed, I've become more interested in defining for my self what I want from observation, with a loose though accurate touch. My conscious force and interest in non-centrality, in co-existence of elements of non-belonging, that holds the painting together with tension. I want each part of the painting to be important, creating a non-linear diversity; I don't want a logical reading in my painting. I want a possibility of the unpredictable. I would like people to experience a sense of stimulation and confrontation, to feel full of life, as they make their own meaning and interpretation of the painting. 

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